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The key point of starting a blogging

Google Blogger and WordPress is the best framework for bloggers. if you want to start your career in blogging. In today's trend blogging is also a great platform to give you the best earnings. if you are starting your blogging journey with WordPress or blogger there are a few things that are key points of your success of blogging.

  1. Unique Content
  2. Subject of Content
  3. Seo Optimization
  4. Site Speed
  5. Website design (User Experience ).

Let us make just a clear view on the above points.

1)Unique Content

Unique content is the key requirement of your blogging. if you want to start blogging and write content for your blogging site. First of all, go to the other's site which is write same content just read and find what is missing in content from other and write with making it perfect. Which is to draw the user to your site and get what they exactly want. Like if people search about food recipes go to the various site and observe how much content are missing what would be there. just complete it and write in a simple language where people can understand and make more interaction with your site. your content will be the main key to approving your blogging.

2) Subject of Content

The subject of the content is also another key point of successful blogging. Let me just explain to you by one example. If you are finding some delicious food you are going the different restaurant according to the type of food, Like if you want to eat Italian you are finding the restaurant according to that type who provide you with the best test of that as well your choice could be a Mexican, Indian or no matter if other. But you find the best restaurant according to your test because you know that specific restaurant has mastery in that test and they will provide you better than others. In the same way, find your mastery or solid grip in any specific subject which you can serve the world better than others, you can explain better and you are giving your best to the deep research in that and it will not make you tired or bored to write long or best content without any copy as needed. it will attract users to read your blog and get more traffic.

3) Seo Optimization 

Seo Optimization gives your site to rank in the and google and draws the user's attention to what they are looking for. Perfect Seo will give you great traffic. For Seo make sure your content will be human-readable, add Keyword what you are writing,  highlight the heading with the main point of your post. add meta related to the article and optimize images you are using for the article.

4) Site Speed

A better Site speed gives you the best ranking in google and more chance to increase the traffic in your site and top of the google search list. Just take care few things like Optimizing the image you are using for the article. There are lots of tools to optimize the image. In my recommendation, I will prefer tinypng.com to optimize your image. tinypng will give reduce the size of images with lossless quality. And don't enable unused script or style. use caching plugin and make the responsive site and maintain the structure. if you are using WordPress many plugins give you the facilities of the above points and if you are using google blogger don't worry it will give you already best service.

5) Website design (User Experience ).

Your website design will make much impression in the user's mind on the quality of your article. So in WordPress, there are a lot of free themes available on google blogger has also a good theme that will attract the user.
