What is VETO power


guys in our previous post we learn about manageable & non-manageable router & switch now let we understand about network

What is the Network?

So guys let we know what is the network?
In this modern time we all have some innovative idea and information.
which can be useful for us and some-other too. the information can be related anything it can be related time, place, action, or witness of accident. but all information are important. and also some our personal detail are also information. 
          some information you can share with public or some are not. or if we want do some  work we need share many information with each other make work batter and fast. so we need to share information fast and on time.
⇨ how can we share information fast and on time?
→ Answer :- by making inter connection with each-other 

"interact with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts."

And in computer field then network is 

" Two or more IT devices when connect with each other and do communication"

so guys this simple understanding of network let we see more in next post

some example of social network facebook, google+, instagram
